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Tour guide Koh Rong Samloem Island Cambodia

More Tours @ Phnom Penh ToursSiem Reap ToursCam­bo­dia Tours

Going around to Koh Rong and Rong Sam­loem island then don’t for­get to get one of an authen­tic Tour guide Koh Rong Sam­loem Island Cam­bo­dia it’s the guide to make your hol­i­day get more enjoy­able from the tour start­ed till fin­ished.

There are two islands of Sihanoukville, one is called Koh Rong and oth­er one is called Koh Rong Sam­loem, the those of the islands is locat­ed about 15–20 min­utes by slow boat. the pop­u­lar trans­porta­tion of trav­el­ing from island to island is taxi boats

Hel­lo every­one, this is Pho Hout, the guide who had spent for years on the island of Koh Rong and more than a decade to explore the coun­try of Cam­bo­dia and still now work as a self employ­ment guide as a pri­vate and well spo­ken tour guide to go wher­ev­er you would like to go in Cam­bo­dia. I am vey hap­py to escort you and friends, fam­i­lies to go around. the island itself is ele­gance nature. 

here are the list of things to do and things to see on the island of Koh Rong http://cambodiatg.com/thing-to-do/koh-rong-rong-samloem-islands-tourist-sites/ 

This is the pic­ture of me when  I was on the island for a hol­i­day and work­ing, and i had many great time to be there by bring­ing world­wide tourists to go and explore all  pret­ty things of the islands

Think­ing of gong to Cam­bo­di­a’s beau­ty islands and hav­ing a relax­able, enjoy­able place in nature then Koh Rong and Koh Rong Sam­loem are suite for your needs

More Tours @ Phnom Penh ToursSiem Reap ToursCam­bo­dia Tours