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Cambodia Private Tour Guides Drivers

More Tours @ Phnom Penh ToursSiem Reap ToursCam­bo­dia Tours

Cam­bo­dia Pri­vate Tour Guides Dri­vers is the per­sons who are able to work for you and also trav­el­ing with to go to see all things of inter­est­ed around Cam­bo­dia, more­over work­ing as your Eng­lish well and per­son­al spo­ken tour guide and flex­i­ble dri­ver, most­ly the job is pro­vid­ed by gen­tle Eng­lish well and licensed tour guides, they are very good at dri­ving and explain­ing all things that’s see­ing around and things had hap­pened 

Hel­lo every­one, this is Pho, one of the Eng­lish out­stand­ing  spo­ken tour guides to go wher­ev­er you wish to see and to do, the job as the most Eng­lish infor­ma­tive and well spo­ken tour guide in Cam­bo­dia  has began since I was a fresh Uni­ver­si­ty degree of Eng­lish lit­er­a­ture, 2010. After I fin­ished the 4years of Eng­lish bach­e­lor degree I then went straight to had short course of the pro­fes­sion­al job of speak­ing tour guide I then become the Eng­lish offi­cial guid­ed tour, after i com­plet­ed one short course with­in Cam­bo­dia Min­istry of Tourism

the late 2014, I am the ful­ly licensed Eng­lish Speak­ing Tour Guide in Phnom Penh and trav­el­ing around Cam­bo­dia, was list­ed in the Cam­bo­dia Tourist Min­istry. since the job has start­ed till now I have been work­ing with tour indus­try for more than a decade and keep going to more and more years to go, with the long years expe­ri­ence in tour­ing and guid­ing tourists for plea­sur­able trips go around Cam­bo­dia.

Cur­rent­ly, I am still employed for world­wide tourists as their Eng­lish pro­fes­sion­al and well spo­ken tour guide and I am work­ing as your per­son­al car dri­ver, and i am able to escort you to go to every­where around the king­dom of Cam­bo­dia


I grew up in Kraches province, the east­ern of the coun­try of Cam­bo­dia and also it’s one of the Cam­bo­di­a’s ele­gant coun­try­sides, at the age of I have fin­ished high school, decid­ed to migrant  to Phnom Penh, where is the largest city and the cap­i­tal of Cam­bo­dia.

Right now, I am still liv­ing and work­ing in Phnom Penh the cap­i­tal and the largest city of Cam­bo­dia, and also i am work­ing as Eng­lish pri­vate and well spo­ken guide and Eng­lish to Cam­bo­di­an trans­la­tor-inter­preter, i am also able to go to around the king­dom of Cam­bo­dia 

Pho, your pri­vate guide, inter­preter, trans­la­tor and Cam­bo­dia busi­ness con­sul­tant, laws

Study Qual­i­fi­ca­tion and Works

2001, fin­ished high school and con­tin­ued to Eng­lish class­es as part time class­es at a pri­vate edu­ca­tion for­eign lan­guages and worked in many shops in Phnom Penh city. And then 2010 I had decid­ed to attend Bach­e­lor degree at the Nor­ton Uni­ver­si­ty of Phnom Penh of Cam­bo­dia, in the field of Eng­lish Trans­la­tion and Inter­pre­ta­tion. it was the time to start my self employ­ment, felt in love with the self employ­ment as a pri­vate guid­ed tour till now.

2014, fin­ished my Eng­lish Bach­e­lor degree in the field of Trans­la­tion and Inter­pre­ta­tion at the Nor­ton Uni­ver­si­ty of Phnom Penh, Cam­bo­dia.

While was study­ing also I had a job as local Eng­lish speak­ing tour guide in Phnom Penh, Cam­bo­dia.

2015 it was a gold­en time to attend Eng­lish short course tour class with mul­ti­ple for­eign lan­guage tour guides, then ear­ly 2016 fin­ished the short course class­es then went through to bat­tle­fields of the com­pe­ti­tion works to oth­ers and my friends 


Cur­rent­ly Employ­ment

I am becom­ing the offi­cial and Eng­lish expert speak­ing tour-guide/­Taxi Dri­ver and Cam­bo­di­an Eng­lish Translator/Interpreter and also still enjoyed my self employ­ment job. It’s the chance to see, meet, talk to peo­ples all over our plan­et 

Please con­sid­er me if you need an expe­ri­enced and skilled Eng­lish Speak­ing Tour Guide, pri­vate dri­ver also and translator/interpreter for trav­el­ing through Cam­bo­dia. All in one 

Please tell me your per­son­al itin­er­ary tours and then I will quote your words and send you bud­gets

Half day and full day tour are also avail­able, Please feel free to con­tact ME

Cambodian English Freelance Interpreter Translator

the pic of pho on his hol­i­day at sea­side of the cam­bo­dia



Nowa­days, I am still enjoyed my work as the pri­vate tour guide and also speak­ing dri­ver to every­one who want to trav­el to every­where in Cam­bo­dia 

I like meet­ing new friends comes from every­where around the world to exchange knowl­edge of the past  roads they have been trav­el­ing. and more going to be writ­ing soon!

More Tours @ Phnom Penh ToursSiem Reap ToursCam­bo­dia Tours