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Private Phnom Penh Tour Guides

More Tours @ https://tourguidescambodia.com/ Wel­come to Phnom Penh the largest and cap­i­tal of Cam­bo­dia, the Cambodia’s busy cap­i­tal, sits at the junc­tion of the Mekong and Ton­lé Sap rivers. It was a hub for every Cam­bo­di­ans and the Khmer Empire.
Pri­vate Phnom Penh Tour Guides is the well Eng­lish spo­ken peo­ples who have been attend­ed the short and long course with­in the Min­istry of Tourism and licensed to those of peo­ples who passed the final exams of gen­er­al knowl­edges.
So, while your hol­i­day vaca­tions in Cam­bo­di­a’s Phnom Penh city is a good time to get one of the well cap­i­tal Eng­lish spo­ken tour guide from Tour-Guides-Cam­bo­dia Team then we are more than hap­py to pro­vide the Phnom Penh sight­see­ing ser­vice to you, your entire fam­i­lies and your friends.
Hel­lo, Ladies & Gen­tle­men, My name is Chany, the well Cam­bo­di­an Eng­lish world­wide and pri­vate  Speak­ing tour guide to Phnom Penh city and also around Cam­bo­dia. The self employ­ment as a well Eng­lish talk­a­tive job has start­ed since I fin­ished my one year short course with Cam­bo­dia Min­istry Tourism, on oth­er hand, before attend­ing the Tour guide short i com­plet­ed my Eng­lish bach­e­lor degree at the one Cam­bo­dia Uni­ver­si­ties in Phnom Penh.

The life with­in speak­ing guide expe­ri­ences has start­ed since 2014 till now but dur­ing of world­wide cri­sis caused by the pan­dem­ic dis­ease well known as Coro­na Virus or Covid 19, first­ly start­ed in Novem­ber, 2019, Chi­na then spread to the whole world, grad­u­al­ly. It com­plete­ly elim­i­nat­ed world­wide tourism sec­tor and those of Tour Guides Cam­bo­di­a’s work, dreams, finance and more. And in the hope of ear­ly 2022 is going to be a year to recharge the tourism busi­ness­es. ***25 May 2021

If you are trav­el­ing to Phnom Penh of Cam­bo­dia and look­ing for the well Cam­bo­dia Eng­lish speak­ing tour guide then Cam­bo­dia tour Guides team “CambodiaTG.Com” is the the num­ber 1 and only group who are able to escort you to go around Phnom Penh

Get­ting around high­light things to do/see More Tours and things to do Phnom Penh Tours, Siem Reap Tours, Cam­bo­dia Tours, https://tourguidescambodia.com/