
Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh

The licensed shooting Ranges, promising the best action for all your needs

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Shooting Range Phnom Penh Outdoor Durations

Actu­al­ly, the whole dura­tion to go to the Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing Ranges Out­door Phnom Penh is approx­i­mate­ly tak­en 5 to 6 hours. and some­times it’s going to be more than the esti­ma­tions because on the way to range is some­time very traf­fic and caused hard to reach the shoot­ing club out­door Phnom Penh on time. More­over, some­time you are very inter­est­ed at the range with­in fresh envi­ron­ment and it’s green nature, made you sit, drink and relax, for exam­ple. what is the best to go to the Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing Ranges Out­door Phnom Penh,
  • Accord­ing to whole time work­ing expe­ri­ence then we found out the best time to go to range is 10.00 am or 10.30 am, if we are leav­ing from your hotel in Phnom Penh at 10.30 am then we are approx­i­mate­ly arrived the shoot­ing range club around 12.00 pm or 12.30 pm. And 10 am is a good time after hav­ing a good break­fast.