
Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh

The licensed shooting Ranges, promising the best action for all your needs

Home»Cambodia taxi

Cambodia taxi Price List

Pri­vate Ride and Shared Ride Taxi, Cross­ing Cities Des­ti­na­tions

One Way Ride, Mul­ti­ple Rides, Coun­try­side Road Trip Tours

  Please Be Not­ed: Insur­ance Cars Vans Bus­es, can be hired  

Are you plan­ning a trip to go to explore Cam­bo­dia ?

Or you are already in Cam­bo­dia ?

Try­ing to get a pri­vate taxi car to go away from a place to go to a new place in Cam­bo­dia

  Look no fur­ther! Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Taxi Dri­vers Group is your go-to for a fan­tas­tic expe­ri­ence. We’ve been rock­ing the road since 1995, offer­ing a range of Taxi Ser­vice with care­ful­ly select­ed Eng­lish-speak­ing dri­vers.

Cambodia Fire Range Private Taxi Services

  1. Phnom Penh Dai­ly Depar­ture to any des­ti­na­tions in Cam­bo­dia
  2. long year and very expe­ri­enced work­ing Dri­vers
  3. Eng­lish Speak­ing Dri­vers
  4. knowl­edge­able Dri­vers
  5. Flex­i­bil­i­ty on Tim­ing
  6. Cam­bo­dia Sight­see­ing Tours

 Bel­low are One Way Ride

Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Pri­vate Taxi Ser­vice

Cam­bo­di­an Des­ti­na­tions

Cam­bo­dia Taxi Price List & Des­ti­na­tions

Call and What­sApp @ +85589797079

Email: [email protected]

Cam­bo­dia Des­ti­na­tion

Call and What­sApp @ +85589797079

Email: [email protected]

if you have not found des­ti­na­tion you would like to get there,  then the fol­low­ing Email and What­sApp is our con­tactable 

Call and What­sApp @ +85589797079

Email: [email protected]