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Cambodia Personal Tour Guides

More Tours @ TourGuidesCambodia.Com Cam­bo­dia Per­son­al Tour Guides is the per­sons who are able to escort you as over­sea tourists to go to what­ev­er you wished to trav­el to across Cam­bo­dia. Then if all of you are look­ing for Cam­bo­dia Per­son­al Tour Guides to explore all inter­est­ed things around the coun­ty of Cam­bo­dia, please feel free to go to Cam­bo­dia Tour Guides, Www.CambodiaTG.Com

Hel­lo valu­able world­wide cus­tomers,

My is Kdey Pido, I am the lead­ing Eng­lish spo­ken tour guide for trav­el­ing around the king­dom of Cam­bo­dia and I have worked as the tour guid­ing job since 2014 till now,  and if you are seek­ing to trav­el­ing to Cam­bo­dia and then need­ing ahead your trip details that’s relat­ed to Cam­bo­dia things to do and Cam­bo­dia things to see, then please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us or me ahead @ [email protected] or go to book us page, we are more than hap­py to help you out, all things are relat­ed to your con­cerned ques­tions.  

Expe­ri­ences Work­ing Through World­Wide Peo­ples,

Actu­al­ly, work­ing with world­wide tourists is one of the hap­py jobs it’s based on my authen­tic work­ing expe­ri­ences for many years has been gone through I can con­clude the occu­pa­tion. Work­ing with those of peo­ples who are trav­el­ing from dif­fer­ent coun­tries of our plan­et’s angles are the meet­ing of the peo­ples with­in dif­fer­ent cul­tures, norm, habits. Or I can make a short def­i­n­i­tion is exchange study­ing or exchange real life expe­ri­ence about what we have been past  

Study qual­i­fi­ca­tions

Before attend­ing the job as a pro­fes­sion­al Eng­lish speak­ing guide i went to few edu­ca­tion cen­ters to grain my Eng­lish speak­ing writ­ing lis­ten­ing and pro­nun­ci­a­tion. That was start­ed from ear­ly Eng­lish class at house­hold the jumped to Eng­lish cen­ter then the last one which gave abil­i­ty to me to com­mu­ni­cate to world­wide tourists was Uni­ver­si­ty of Eng­lish, it took 4 years more to com­plete the mis­sion  

Bel­low are some high­light of things to see and do across Cam­bo­dia

Siem Reap’s Angkor Wat tem­ple, locat­ed is in north­ern of Cam­bo­dia and it’s about 4–5 hours dri­ve by cars, the world fas­ci­nat­ed reli­gious mon­u­ment tem­ple Cam­bo­dia kick­box­ing “Kun Khmer mar­tial arts well known by Cam­bo­dia” is one of the things to do and see in both Phnom Penh city and Siem Reap town of Angkor Wat tem­les Roy­al palace of Cam­bo­dia locat­ed at frontside of riv­er in Phnom Penh,   Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing Ranges out­door Phnom Penh More Tours @ TourGuidesCambodia.Com