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Top Things to do in Kampot

Nes­tled along the tran­quil banks of the Preaek Tuek Chhu Riv­er, Kam­pot exudes an old-world charm that cap­ti­vates vis­i­tors with its pic­turesque land­scapes, colo­nial archi­tec­ture, and laid-back atmos­phere. From leisure­ly riv­er cruis­es to culi­nary delights and adren­a­line-pump­ing adven­tures, this quaint river­side town offers a pletho­ra of expe­ri­ences that promise to enchant and delight trav­el­ers seek­ing an authen­tic Cam­bo­di­an get­away.

1. Cruise Along the Preaek Tuek Chhu River:

Embark on a scenic riv­er cruise along the Preaek Tuek Chhu Riv­er, where ver­dant man­groves, lime­stone karsts, and tra­di­tion­al fish­ing vil­lages paint a pic­turesque back­drop. Drift past tran­quil land­scapes, spot wildlife along the river­banks, and immerse your­self in the serene ambiance of Kampot’s nat­ur­al beau­ty.

2. Explore Bokor National Park:

Ven­ture into the rugged wilder­ness of Bokor Nation­al Park, home to lush rain­forests, cas­cad­ing water­falls, and panoram­ic view­points. Hike scenic trails to explore hid­den trea­sures such as Popokvil Water­fall and the aban­doned Bokor Hill Sta­tion, and mar­vel at sweep­ing vis­tas of the Gulf of Thai­land from the park’s sum­mit.

3. Discover Kampot Pepper Plantations:

Indulge your sens­es with a vis­it to Kampot’s renowned pep­per plan­ta­tions, where the world-famous Kam­pot pep­per is cul­ti­vat­ed. Take a guid­ed tour of pep­per farms, learn about the cul­ti­va­tion process, and sam­ple the dis­tinct fla­vors of this prized spice that has earned inter­na­tion­al acclaim.

4. Wander Through Kampot’s Old Town:

Stroll through Kampot’s charm­ing old town, where colo­nial-era archi­tec­ture, quaint cafes, and bou­tique shops line the streets. Admire ele­gant French-style build­ings, browse local hand­i­crafts, and soak in the nos­tal­gic ambiance of this his­toric river­side enclave.

5. Kayak Along the Kampot River:

Embark on a kayak­ing adven­ture along the tran­quil waters of the Kam­pot Riv­er, mean­der­ing through man­grove forests, past float­ing fish­ing vil­lages, and along­side lime­stone cliffs. Pad­dle at your own pace, soak in the serene sur­round­ings, and embrace the tran­quil­i­ty of Kampot’s nat­ur­al land­scape.

6. Indulge in Riverside Dining:

Savor the fla­vors of Cambodia’s culi­nary delights at Kampot’s river­side restau­rants and cafes. Sam­ple fresh seafood, Khmer del­i­ca­cies, and inter­na­tion­al cui­sine while enjoy­ing panoram­ic views of the riv­er and the majes­tic Ele­phant Moun­tains beyond.

7. Visit Salt Fields and Caves:

Explore Kampot’s less­er-known attrac­tions, includ­ing salt fields and lime­stone caves scat­tered through­out the coun­try­side. Learn about tra­di­tion­al salt har­vest­ing tech­niques, ven­ture into mys­te­ri­ous cav­erns adorned with sta­lac­tites and sta­lag­mites, and uncov­er hid­den gems off the beat­en path.

8. Cycle Through the Countryside:

Rent a bicy­cle and ped­al your way through Kampot’s idyl­lic coun­try­side, where ver­dant rice pad­dies, lush orchards, and tra­di­tion­al vil­lages await. Cycle past farm­ers tend­ing to their fields, encounter friend­ly locals, and immerse your­self in the rhythms of rur­al Cam­bo­di­an life.

9. Experience Kampot’s Night Market:

Browse the bustling stalls of Kampot’s vibrant night mar­ket, where ven­dors show­case a vari­ety of goods, from local hand­i­crafts and sou­venirs to street food and snacks. Sam­ple grilled skew­ers, try exot­ic fruits, and hag­gle for bar­gains as you soak in the live­ly atmos­phere of this noc­tur­nal hub.

10. Relax at Kep Beach:

Escape to near­by Kep Beach for a day of relax­ation and sea­side seren­i­ty. Lounge on gold­en sands, swim in the clear turquoise waters, and indulge in fresh­ly caught seafood at beach­front restau­rants, all with­in easy reach of Kampot’s tran­quil river­side set­ting.


Kam­pot offers a delight­ful blend of nat­ur­al beau­ty, cul­tur­al her­itage, and laid-back charm that beck­ons trav­el­ers to explore its hid­den trea­sures. Whether cruis­ing along the riv­er, savor­ing Kam­pot pep­per, or ven­tur­ing into the wilds of Bokor Nation­al Park, vis­i­tors are sure to fall under the spell of this enchant­i­ng river­side town nes­tled in the heart of Cam­bo­dia.