
Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh

The licensed shooting Ranges, promising the best action for all your needs

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Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh Siem Reap

*Your Ulti­mate Shoot­ing Adven­ture in Cam­bo­dia*

Expe­ri­ence the adren­a­line-pump­ing thrill of fir­ing a wide range of firearms amidst the stun­ning land­scapes of Cam­bo­dia

Cam­bo­dia Fire Range is an Out­door and Moun­tain­ous  Shoot­ing range at out­side of Phnom Penh  and Siem Reap cities, promis­ing the best action for all your needs, while 100 per cent is one of the unique things to do and unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence and the only one out­door shoot­ing at out­side of Phnom Penh, Cam­bo­dia.

*The Ulti­mate Shoot­ing Clubs are Two locat­ed in Cam­bo­di­a’s Cities*

1. Near Phnom Penh city, vis­it price list

2. Near Siem Reap city, Vis­it price list

The only one fir­ing range that’s let you shoot RPG rock­et launch­er into high and big moun­tain ‘big trees and thick for­est’

We have AK47, M16, T97, PKM Machine Guns, RPD, M79, Hand Grenades, 50 Cal­iber well known as Dooshka, shoot an RPG II and RPG 7 (Bazookas and B40 Rock­et Launch­er) into a house loaded with bar­rels of fuel, or blow up three tra­di­tion­al hous­es, or a car full of petrol bar­rels. 
You can play all day or for half a day, what­ev­er suits your needs. to see more foto and videos pls go to THE PAGE INSTAGRAM

Please con­tact direct­ly us for super com­pli­men­ta­ry!! like  free trans­porta­tion to and from your hotel, tai­lor made pack­ages for groups, includ­ing bach­e­lor par­ties, which includes refresh­ments (yes, beer), and if you real­ly want to make it a spe­cial occa­sion, we can video the whole thing using our state-of-the art drone (DJI Go 4), which we edit and send back to your hotel before the end of the day.

Tri­pAd­vi­sor Feed­backs

Best shoot­ing Range in Phnom Penh
Apr 2024 • Cou­ples
Vis­it­ing this shoot­ing range was an adren­a­line-pump­ing expe­ri­ence, espe­cial­ly with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to shoot with an RPG and var­i­ous machine guns. The range of firearms avail­able was impres­sive, allow­ing for a unique hands-on expe­ri­ence with some of the most pow­er­ful weapons.

Blow Tuk Tuk and 5 hous­es down by 2 of RPG II

Our Cam­era­men have nev­er missed to take your actions

We use five cam­eras to catch your shoot­ing range activ­i­ties includ­ing a Canon Dig­i­tal EOS, Sony, Gopro 10 & Gopro Max and Phan­tom Go 4 drone. We have over twen­ty years in the shoot­ing range indus­try.

More details please feel free check us out on our Tri­pAd­vi­sor reviews where we’ve got five stars out of five and videos.

For fur­ther ques­tions that’s relat­ed to shoot­ing range activ­i­ties, please go through to us via the con­tacts bel­low
Pho on P/H (Eng­lish) What­sApp, Telegram @+85589797079, Wēixìn or Wechat Yes85589797079 and Email: [email protected]