
Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh

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RPG Hut petrol barrels Phnom Penh Cambodia

Want to try blow some shit out with your RPG or well known as Rock­et launch­er or bazooka into a hut built that it’s loaded with fueled bar­rels and big gas tanks ? If your answer is yes then please come with us to shoot shit up with mul­ti­ple weapons at the Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing range out­door phnom penh The Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­door Phnom Penh is the only one out­door shoot­ing range club that you can fire some­things up with your big RPG or well known as Rock­et launch­er or bazooka

  This video bel­low was filmed by the team of Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­door Phnom Penh that’s describ­ing a guy is shoot­ing RPG (Rock­et launch­er or bazooka) on tar­get which tar­gets are arranged by the Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­door Phnom Penh and the tar­gets are one house built, a gas tanks and petrol bar­rels are stored inside of the house

The guy who is fir­ing the RPG has nice shot and also his hands are very strong to bal­ance the RPG’s kick­back, in order to shoot rock­et launch­er on tar­gets it needs to aim straight on tar­get and your lung or breath and your both hands are required to con­cen­trate on tar­gets and breath has to keep in and out for 5 sec­onds then click the trig­ger of the bazooka is gen­tly (not force or strong push­ing or use strong pow­er of your ener­gies)

If you would like to have the RPG pls come with us by make a book­ing a head before com­ing to the Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­door Phnom Penh

Actu­al­ly, there are two kinds of RPGs, One is called RPG II and oth­er one is called RPG7 VII
  1. RPG II is designed to blow anti short range of tar­gets or anti tanks, the one in the video bel­low is called RPG2, and it’s very good to blow a set­up tar­get that dis­tance which is show­ing in the video
2. RPG 7 is to shoot into long tar­get and it’s not explod­ed when it touched ground but it’s pow­er stronger faster and RPG 2