
Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh

The licensed shooting Ranges, promising the best action for all your needs

Home»Packaged»2Day Sihanoukville Phnom Penh City Tour Shooting Experience
2Day Sihanoukville Phnom Penh City Tour Shooting Experience
  • 2Day
  • 18 Appro
  • Private Tours
  • Sihanouk ville Phnom Penh
  • English Driver
  • Pick up Drop
Wel­come! 2Day Sihanoukville Phnom Penh City Tour Shoot­ing Expe­ri­ence
  • The Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­door Phnom Penh bring you from your hotel stay in Sihanouk Ville City to go to enjoy the city expe­ri­ence
  • the tour is fin­ished after Phnom Penh

Tour Start: Sihanouk Ville City

Tour End:  Phnom Penh City

Book the Tour is at your side
  • Thanks for your vis­it­ing and inter­est­ing in  Www.CambodiaFireRange.Com  , we are the num­ber one and the only one licensed Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­door Phnom Penh

Day 1: The Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh’s driver is coming to your hotel stay in Sihanoukville City to invite you to go to around Sihanouk Ville city

Day 2:  Sihanouk Ville city to go to the Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh then Phnom Penh city

What's Included ExIncluded

[yes] A/C Car , the whole trips:

[yes] Cold beer, Cold Waters and Cold tissues, all days "tour"

[yes] Gun shooting and targets as mentioned above

[yes] Video service and edited: Shooting Day

[yes] Optional, if you would like to have photo shooting, please inquiry us, All the cameras are set for only video activities of your day

[no] Food is not included

[no] No Entrance Fees For Visited Tourist Attraction Sites In Phnom Penh

[no] Spend over the shooting budgets

[no] Tips to driver and also your guide for your day


Day 1: Sihanouk Ville City

8.45 Am, the Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh is coming to greet at your hotel lobby floor to go to see those of the interested things bellow are;

Wat Krom

We are spending half hour to visit the local Buddhist Temple which is called Wat Krom Pagoda

This is the pagoda where many residents of Sihanoukville practice Buddhism. Here you may see monks chanting and young monks learning Pali, the sacred language of the Buddhist scriptures. Most of the pagodas in town are brightly painted and decorated with deities represented by hooded snakes, particularly king cobras. They are called nagas. a Sanskrit word for snake. Wat krom is located approximately 3 kilometers (2 miles) south of the cruise pier.

Central Market

This bustling local market encompasses more then 1,000 vendors and is known for extraordinary seafood, which you will see displayed along with fresh vegetables and unusual items such as palm sugar, a natural sweetener. The market is located in the town center, approximately 12 kilometers (7 miles) southeast of the cruise pier.


Golden Lion Roundabout

The symbol of Sihanoukville is the Golden Lion Roundabout and we can be seeing the roundabout when we are traveling from Phnom Penh and keeping straight

Ochheuteal Beach

Stretching for 3 kilometers (2 miles), the northern end of this white sandy beach is called Serendipity Beach. A big hit with tourists, this beach features everything from beach huts serving drinks and local delicacies to a golf course and a number of hotels and restaurant. Personal watercraft are not kept at a proper distance from swimmers, so if you choose to swim, use caution so as to avoid injury. The beach is located next to Sokha Beach, approximately 6 kilometers (4 miles) from the cruise pier.

Otres Beach

the most clean and beauty in nature beaches in Sihanouk Ville

Day 2

7.45 Am: See you at meeting pion of your hotel and leaving the to enjoy the amazing day at the Cambodia Fire Ranges Outdoor Phnom Penh Activities then traveling straight to Phnom Penh city

  • the highlight of gun shooting and Gun shooting Targets are bellow,
  1.  One Clip of AK47, 30 Rounds, 60 USD
  2. One Clip of  M16,   30 Rounds, 60 USD
  3. One Clip of  T97, 30 Rounds, 60 USD
  4. One Clip of  M4, 30 Rounds, 60 USD
  5. One Clip of  T97, 30 Rounds, 60 USD
  6. One Through of  Hand Grenade, 140 USD
  7. One Shot of  Grenade Launcher”M79″, 140 USD
  8. One Clip of PKM Machine Guns, 100 rounds, 220 USD
  9. One Round of RPG Bazooka, 550 USD

Total: 60+60+60+60+140+140+220+550: 1290 USD

-10% Discount 1290×0.10: 1161 USD

Targets of Gun shooting;

  1. 3 barrels x 50:  150
  2. 1 Big Gas Tanks 80×1:80
  3. Watermelon 20×2: 40 usd
  4. Ceramic Plats 20×2: 40 usd


Total of gun shooting targets: 150+80+40+40: 310 USD

Total of  gun shooting: 60+60+60+60+140+140+220+550: 1290 USD

2 days Transport from Sihanouk Ville city the Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh then to the Phnom Penh  City, Phnom Penh City Tour and video is 50 USD

Grand Total: 1290+310+50: 1650 USD

Note, if the shooting package is not suite your requirement then you can customize your gun shooting by visiting https://cambodiafirerange.com/customized-tours-2/

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Travelling with Friends?
Are you coming with a group? Let your friends know that you’re looking at this tour from Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh!
What to Bring
  • cashes for other thins to expend.
  • Optional: Raincoat / Umbrella - during rainy season
  • Caps, sun glasses
Know Before You Go
  • Payment of tour fees can be paid at the end of tour, advance payment or deposit, and payments is in cashes. Moreover;  USD is very acceptable currency ( No credit cards )

  • The Cambodia official currency is called Riel (KH-R), however USD are available at everywhere across the country of Cambodia. Moreover, most of the cities are likely to be set prices in USD. You also can have local currencies "Riel" and USD to go along with you while your whole trip in Cambodia, and new/clean bank notes are very good to have it with, old or torn notes is not be or hardly to accepted at most places. ATMs are almost everywhere in the cities, it's easy to withdraw cash in USD.
  • pregnancy women and under 12 ages children are not allowed to claim to the top towers of temple stairs
  • The exchange rate is usually roughly KHR4000 to US$1
Tour Notes

Ready for your upcoming "2Day Sihanoukville Phnom Penh City Tour Shooting Experience" tour then let go to "Book Us Now, Please" we are more than happy to serve you to the designated package tours. Very big thanks for your interested in Www.CambodiaFireRange.Com

Terms & Conditions
On behalf of man­age­ment and staff, thank you for your vis­it­ing our Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Fire Range Out­door Phnom Penh & Tours & Trav­el Site. Your use of this site you agree to be bound by con­di­tion­al upon your accep­tance and com­pli­ance with these terms and con­di­tions con­tained in this doc­u­ment and any oth­er notices accept­ed by you on this Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­door Phnom Penh. We strong­ly sug­gest you to read care­ful­ly before process to pur­chas­es because of this are con­tract between you ‘Cus­tomer’ with us ‘Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­door Phnom Penh ’ and clear­ly lays out what you have agreed with us.   Trav­el Wish to Can­cel the Tours & Hotel Book­ing Trav­el­er can can­cel the tour before the dead­line of can­cel­la­tion, oth­er wish, can­cel­la­tion charges will be applied depend on due to peri­od of can­cel­la­tion. The date of trip or book­ing can­cel­la­tion is the date on which the writ­ten can­cel­la­tion is received by com­pa­ny. These are cal­cu­lat­ed from the day writ­ten noti­fi­ca­tion is received by the Com­pa­ny or their autho­rized trav­el agent as a per­cent­age of the total tour price per per­son can­celling, includ­ing sur­charges but exclud­ing any amend­ment charges and any insur­ance pay­ment. CANCELLATION POLICY:
  • 15 to No show 100 % charge
  • 24 to 16 days 50 % of the tour price
  • 29 to 25 days up 10 % of the tour price
  • 30 days up no charge
If you vol­un­tar­i­ly leave a trip for any rea­son after the trip has begun no refunds will be made. Refunds will be at the dis­cre­tion of Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­door Phnom Penh if you are invol­un­tar­i­ly forced to leave a trip for any rea­son. All can­cel­la­tion charged fee above are not inclu­sive of cred­it card sur­charge fee on first trans­ac­tion of your pay­ment. Why We Do Can­cel Your Tours ? Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­door Phnom Penh reserves the right to can­cel any trip before it is guar­an­teed to depar­ture, but will not can­cel a tour less than 29 days before run. A trip is guar­an­teed to run once it has one ful­ly-paid trav­el­er. We are reserves the right to can­cel any trip, includ­ing a guar­an­teed trip, at any time pri­or to depar­ture due force majeure (War, Riots, Civ­il, Dis­tur­bance, Strikes, Nat­ur­al dis­as­ters, Ter­ror­ists activ­i­ties of threat of such, clo­sure of air­port or can­cel­la­tion of inter­na­tion­al or domes­tic air time table ser­vices, polit­i­cal insta­bil­i­ty or oth­er exter­nal events which make it unvi­able for Tour­Guides Cam­bo­dia to oper­ate the planned sched­ule. You will be have right to choose between an alter­na­tive trip and a full refund. We are not respon­si­ble for any inci­den­tal expens­es that you may have incurred as a result of your book­ing such as visas fee, vac­ci­na­tions fee, non-refund­able flights, etc. If the alter­na­tive trip cho­sen is of a low­er val­ue than that orig­i­nal­ly booked then you are enti­tled to a refund of the price dif­fer­ence or the alter­na­tive tour cho­sen is of a high­er val­ue then you will pay the dif­fer­ence in price. We reserve right to change and cor­rect any errors of tour oper­at­ing if we saw that will unable to oper­ate in real sit­u­a­tion envi­ron­ment such as weath­ers prob­lem, infra­struc­ture prob­lem, etc. expect to do best and smooth oper­at­ing tour to Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­door Phnom Penh’s trav­el­er.
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