
Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh

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Targets Shooting Ranges Cambodia

Tar­gets Shoot­ing Ranges Cam­bo­dia, Shoot­ing Range club Phnom Penh tar­gets is abil­i­ties to offer you a whole day or half day long for trip he gun shoot­ing’s tar­gets for you to play for all day long and it made your shoot­ing expe­ri­ence is more joy­ful and became the unfor­get­table hol­i­day are bel­low. select those of the tar­get to blow things up or shoot them up with rif­fle like AK47 M16 and oth­er shoot­ing rif­fles and those tar­gets can shoot with M79, RPG but some tar­gets is need to add gas tanks or fueled bar­rels in. Water­mel­ons, ceram­ic plates, coconuts and gas cans are good to shoot your rif­fles like M16, AK47, PKM machine guns, pis­tols, RPD, T97 and CKC’s bul­lets Gas Tanks is good to go with your rif­fles like M16, AK47, PKM machine guns,  RPD, T97 and CKC’s bul­lets and RPG (bazooka or well known as Rock­et Launch­er) and if the rpg hit the tar­get of the gas tanks then the flame and explo­sion is great­ly huge than your expec­ta­tions Car, House and Tuk Tuk is a very need to add fueled bar­rels and or gas tanks in there