
Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh

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Home»Option»Riffle Single semi full auto machine guns blow things up with Bazooka Cambodia

Riffle Single semi full auto machine guns blow things up with Bazooka Cambodia

Rif­fle Sin­gle semi full auto machine guns blow things up with Bazooka Cam­bo­dia Rif­fle your full auto of your PKM machine gun to shoot/blow shits up with your bazooka rock­et launch­er is a must thing to stop you to do it while your whole trip in Cam­bo­dia. Now, the shoot­ing range activ­i­ties is the get­ting pop­u­lar­i­ty and turned to num­ber one things to do “to shoot some shits up with your full ak47 M16 PKM and also the RPG Bazooka Rock­et launch­er”. only at the Cam­bo­dia shoot­ing ranges out­door field