
Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh

The licensed shooting Ranges, promising the best action for all your needs

Home»Option»PKM Machine Guns Power Cambodia

PKM Machine Guns Power Cambodia

If you are vis­it­ing Cam­bo­dia and very try­ing to fire the pow­er­ful of the heavy weapons like the PKM machine gun then there is going to be a good chance to go to the gun rang out­door phnom penh to shoot­ing all day long.
A the out­door of the Cam­bo­dia Fire Range you are allowed to blow your PKM machine gun with­in a sin­gle shoot , semi auto shoot­ing and ful­ly auto­mat­i­cal­ly rifling.
some­time a full clip of the PKM is 100 bul­lets and it take 5 sec­onds to emp­ty the ful­ly mag­a­zine. Come with the Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­door phnom penh then you will have a good oppor­tu­ni­ty to play around for all day long