
Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh

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Phnom Penh Shooting Club

Phnom Penh Shoot­ing Club is the out­side shoot­ing club of the city of Cam­bo­di­a’s cap­i­tal of Phnom Penh, and it can also say jun­gle shoot­ing range club or moun­tain­ous gun shoot­ing club because the loca­tion of the Phnom Penh Shoot­ing Club is in Kam­pong Speu province. More­over, the shoot­ing range club is not on main road and it have to trav­el through small vil­lages to reach the last des­ti­na­tion, and the final des­ti­na­tion is the Phnom Penh Shoot­ing Club. the pic of Phnom Penh shoot­ing club, please feel free take a look at a group of gun shoot­ing clus­ter pho­to with­in smi­ley look­ing face that they have vis­it­ed us and shot mul­ti­ple of rif­fle machine gun that’s includ­ed big and also small machine gun it’s ranged from AK47 M16 PKM Machine gun, 50 cal­ibers RPG Bazooka Rock­et Launch­er. this shoot­ing activ­i­ties pho­to was tak­en after every­one of them have just fin­ished to those small and heavy machine guns and emp­ty all beer cans