
Cambodia Fire Range Outdoor Phnom Penh

The licensed shooting Ranges, promising the best action for all your needs

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Cambodia Shooting Range Club

Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing Range Club is the biggest shoot­ing range club at out­side of Cam­bo­di­a’s cap­i­tal of Phnom Penh. And it’s one of the must things to do for every­one of you who is inter­est­ed in amaz­ing to shoot all those of big and small guns at the gun range out­door of the city. the shoot­ing range club is approx­i­mate­ly 90–120 min­utes dri­ve from phnom penh city, one way each then two is 4 hours at least, the traf­fics the guns for every­one can shoot at the Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing Range Club AK47, M16 T97 S‑katu, Pis­tols, PKM Machine Guns RPD M79 Hand Grenades, 50 Cal­iber RPG II Bazookas and B40 Rock­et,  par­ty all day long Look at a pho­to of a group of hap­py shoot­ing cus­tomers who eat­ing, drink­ing beer and also chat­ting to each oth­ers with­in smi­ley look­ing face, they had shot from morn­ing till the sun almost went down, the pho­to is shot by DJI drone. If you are look­ing to amaz­ing shoot­ing adven­ture in Cam­bo­dia then come to the Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing Range Club, it’s the only one shoot­ing club that you are able to blow some big RPG into house loaded with petrol bar­rels and shoot oth­er hand rif­fle.