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Alongside of Sisowath Quay phnom penh

Along­side of Sisowath Quay phnom penh

Along­side of Sisowath Quay phnom penh

Actu­al­ly, riv­er quay is a good place to start your wak­ing tour to go along­side of river­side in Phnom Penh, and it is also a good sight­see­ing tour. a great time to walk is at morn­ing, it’s a cold time to walk pass­ing to view some busi­ness­es at ear­ly morn­ing has been already start­ed before sun­rise. more­over if you would like to have a good time to walk through­out the quay then late evening is the best time to run or walk to up and down and if you get tired you also can go relax in a bar or restau­rant, near­by. the best site to start your evening walk­ing tour is from street 106 till reach­ing to street 178, street 106 is night mar­ket then street 178 is close to Roy­al palace and nation­al muse­um art gallery. It’s about 1 mile to go up and down the site of inter­est­ed and you are tired you can sit to enjoy your cold beers.